Forecasting Future Talent Needs Enhances Strategic Planning.

Imagine a chess game where you can predict your opponent's every move, how unstoppable would you be? In the business world, forecasting future talent needs gives you that same strategic advantage...

Why do you want to change jobs ?

Just as "Why do you want to work for our company?" is one of the commonly asked interview questions, "Why do you want to change positions?" is equally common. By clearly and succinctly explaining the reasons you want to embark on a new chapter in your career, you...

Scarab Beetle Syndrome: How to Combat It in the Workplace ?

The scarab beetle syndrome, also known by the scholarly term "homophily," is a recurring cognitive bias in the professional world. It occurs when decision-makers frequently favor employees who resemble them the most, whether during the hiring process or when granting...

Learning Organization

It has never been more important to become a learning organization. The business world is constantly evolving, technology is advancing at lightning speed, and new skills are required for success. To remain competitive, you must equip your employees with the knowledge and...

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in HR

In any business, human resources is a crucial function to ensure long-term growth and success. But how do you know if your management is effective? How do you measure the performance and efficiency of your recruitment strategy? To find out, this is where...

Skills Management: Effectively Managing GPEC (Management of Jobs and Skills)

The Management of Anticipated Jobs and Competences (GPEC) is an approach aimed at managing the company's long-term needs in terms of skills and workforce. Initiated by the HR function, GPEC aims to develop the employability of employees, particularly by promoting internal mobility...

Work Motivation Drivers

Employee motivation is a key determinant of a company's performance. Today, we are witnessing a real crisis of motivation, not only among workers from Generation X, who are said to be more focused on finding meaning in their work than their predecessors. The company's leadership...

Recruitment: What Kind of Recruiter Are You ?

When we talk about the recruitment process, we usually refer to a "best practice" to apply to achieve its goal – attracting and selecting the best candidates. However, it is not sufficient to describe the reality of the recruiter's work, with its diversity...